
An Introduction to REAL Barbecue

Contents The Definition of The Word BarbecueThe Primary ClarificationThe Secondary ClarificationHistory of BarbecueThe Native Americans & The SpaniardsRegional TraditionsThe SoutheastThe CarolinasMemphisKansas CityTexasThe Magic  & Science of BarbecueWhy not grill?Why Barbecue?The Magic NumberMORE INFORMATION The Definition of The Word Barbecue The dictionary will tell you that the noun “barbecue” has at least four meanings: A framework …


Thoughts on the future of Burning Man and the transient nature of things (circa 1996)

2019 Introduction In light of the recent announcement by Burning Man regarding their intended “Cultural Course Correction” (an endeavor I wholeheartedly support), I decided to dust off and repost a somewhat related message which I wrote to the now-defunct Burning Man email list way back in 1996 after my 3rd Burning Man.  It is interesting …

Life in general, and perhaps the Pursuit of Happiness, School, Viewing the world through Juke-colored glasses

Two Divergent Paths

Last November, after 23 years, 8 Months and 26 days (but who’s counting) working for the  same company, in the same town, in the same organization, I was laid off from my job as a Premium Corporate Support Manager for a large computer tech company.  This situation is not an uncommon occurrence in any industry, …

African-American History, Life in general, and perhaps the Pursuit of Happiness

The Homecoming by William Henry Mackey, Jr.

William Henry Mackey, Jr.

This is the prologue to the book “Down Home: My Return to the Georgia Backwoods” written by my father early 1970’s. The book is an exploration of the area in rural Georgia that he grew up in and how it changed in the 50 years since he was born there, especially focusing on the history …

Current Events, Random Thoughts...., Viewing the world through Juke-colored glasses

Death of a Cultural Hero

The cover of this week’s New York Magazine features 35 of the women who were assaulted/raped by Bill Cosby. I, like many people, was shocked last year to hear of the allegations against Bill Cosby. At first, my reaction was, as it apparently was for many, a vague disbelief. Couldn’t be. Not Bill Cosby. Not …

History, Life in general, and perhaps the Pursuit of Happiness, Viewing the world through Juke-colored glasses, War

289 Steps

I wrote the following the day after my visit to Omaha Beach in Normandy in September, 2013.  Sharing it for Memorial Day. 289 Steps. Nothing particularly notable about that. Walking leisurely, it took me a little over 2 minutes to walk those 289 steps. It was not a physically challenging thing to do. Something I …